• Mastering Basic Vocabulary: Essential P...

Mastering Basic Vocabulary: Essential Phrases for Introducing Yourself in English

Introducing yourself can be a daunting task, especially in a new languauge that is not your native way of speaking. Knowing a basic vocabulary of phrases can make this process much easier when meeting new people; below are some common phrases that can help:

  • Hello, my name is [name].

This is the most basic way to introduce yourself in English. Simply say hello, followed by your name.

  • Nice to meet you.

This phrase is used to express that you are pleased to meet someone.

  • How are you?

This is a common greeting used to ask someone how they are feeling.

  • I am from [country/city].

If you want to provide more information about where you are from, you can use this phrase.

  • Where are you from?

This can be used to ask about where the other person lives or is from.

  • I am [age] years old.

If you want to share your age, you can use this phrase.

  • My hobbies are [hobbies]. What do you like to do?

If you want to share your hobbies, use this phrase. You can also ask the question to find out more about the other person.

  • I work/study at [company/school].

If you want to share where you work or study, you can use this phrase.

  • What about you?

This phrase can be used to turn the conversation back to the person you are speaking with.

Remember to speak slowly and clearly, and don't be afraid to ask someone to repeat themselves if you don't understand what they are saying. Using these basic phrases can help you confidently introduce yourself in English.



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I am a fully qualified, experienced & outstanding teacher; my last position was Head of Key Stage 2. After a decade of teaching & learning, I have a proven track record of building resilience and achievement to create lifelong learners. I use modern, inclusive, and dynamic...Contact
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