Tips and advice shared by tutors for learning Languages

Published by Pascale

Conversation vs Grammar classes? Which language lessons are the most useful?

Language learning is made of four parts: Speaking/ Listening/ Reading/Writing but do you need to learn all of them? Can you learn a language solely through conversation? Do you absolutely need the dreaded grammar? What is the best way to go forward when learning a language?   Conversation is the fun part, the one thing everyone wants to master. Most of the time, it is the reason why you decided to learn that language in the first place. To ...
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Published by Elisabeth

Is it time to reconsider how we teach speaking skills to language learners?

Learning a new language can be challenging, especially when it comes to mastering the grammar rules that govern it. Traditional language classes often involve rote memorisation of verb conjugations and noun declensions, which can be tedious and discouraging. Although some learners may find it helpful to practice these rules through written exercises, they often struggle to apply them in real-time conversations. This can be frustrating and hinder...
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Published by FindTutors

The benefits of learning Japanese

Japanese has become one of the most widely spoken languages in the world. Little by little and with the help of globalisation, it has managed to reach all parts of the world. That is why many people have started to ask how to learn Japanese and why. More and more people are taking Japanese classes and value it as a language.  Is it useful to learn Japanese and what are the benefits? The truth is that it is a language that has many advantage...
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Published by FindTutors

How to learn a new language in a fun and engaging way

You have probably found the latest app that helps with the basics of language learning... and that’s great! At some point of your learning curve, you’ll feel you need the human interaction and the need to speak to someone and being understood. The Italian prepositions and the pronouns are giving you some hard time and you think you’ll never get your mind around them? Why do languages exist? Languages are the core pillars of communication. With...
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Published by FindTutors

Resources for Spanish tutors

The requirements to become a Spanish tutor are not very clear and there are tutors who decide to embark on this adventure and do not know where to start. It is normal to be a bit lost and wonder how to become a Spanish tutor.  Being a Spanish tutor abroad is always a good idea, although it is often scary, it is recommended that you start with a simpler challenge and find a summer teaching job abroad or in your own country. Spanish tuto...
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John Fuhrmeister
Published by John Fuhrmeister

Learn Spanish in 3 easy steps

Are you interested in learning Spanish, but not sure where exactly to start? Here are 3 things you can do right now to get the ball rolling, whilst also working with a Spanish tutor. 1. Switch all your devices to Spanish This is such a quick and easy way to not only start getting you constant exposure to the language, but actually kind of force you to start, as you will need it to properly navigate your devices. It will also help you naturally g...
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Benefits of Chinese lessons for kids

As a parent, you want your child to have the best possible education and opportunities. One way to give them an advantage is by enrolling them in Chinese lessons. Learning Chinese has become increasingly popular in recent years, and for good reason. In this article, you'll learn the benefits of Chinese lessons for kids, different types of classes available, how to choose the right tutor, fun ways to learn at home, and some common challenges.&nbs...
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Published by FindTutors

How to become a Chinese tutor

The demand for Chinese language lessons has been increasing globally over the years. With the rise of China's economic and political power, more people are interested in learning the language for business and cultural reasons. As a result, there has been a surge in the demand for Chinese tutors. Becoming a Chinese tutor is not only a fulfilling career but can also be financially rewarding. In this article, we will guide you through the step...
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Juan Jose
Published by Juan Jose

Unlocking the mysteries of Spanish pronunciation

Hola! Are you an English speaker who is interested in learning Spanish? ¡Fantástico! Spanish is a beautiful and widely spoken language with a rich history and vibrant culture. However, one aspect of learning Spanish that can pose a challenge for native English speakers is pronunciation. While Spanish and English share some similarities in vocabulary and grammar, the pronunciation can be quite different. In this article, we will explore some key ...
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Published by FindTutors

How long does it take to learn Chinese?

Chinese lessons can be a great way to improve your language skills, whether you are looking to use them for business, travel, or personal reasons. However, learning Chinese can be a challenging process, and many people wonder how long it takes to truly master the language.  There are a number of different factors that can affect how long it takes to master Chinese lessons. Chinese tutor, Serinna Lin, explains how one of the most important f...
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Published by FindTutors

How to give language lessons

Are you passionate about languages? The truth is that it is one of the greatest treasures. Knowing languages opens the door to new cultures, new people and even finding points of connection with your own. Many tutors decide to teach languages and turn this passion into a way of making a living.     Chinese tutor, Serinna Lin, has plenty of experience in giving Chinese lessons. In our interview with her, she explains to us the...
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Published by FindTutors

How to learn Japanese from zero

As with all languages, some sounds are easier to pronounce than others. One of the advantages of learning Spanish is that it is considered one of the easiest languages for foreigners to pronounce. However, there are some sounds that tend to be more difficult to pronounce, such as the double r, the letter g, and the letter j, the letter h (which is soundless) and the letters c and z.  In the globalised world we live in, learning Japane...
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The 10 most frequent doubts when learning Spanish

Spanish is one of the most studied languages in the world, but learning it often varies depending on where you come from. For an English speaker, distinguishing between masculine and feminine, for example, will be very difficult. On the other hand, for students who speak languages derived from Latin, they will have no trouble making the switch.  Spanish tutor, Cristian Pedraza, has plenty of experience when it comes to understanding struggl...
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Published by FindTutors

How to become a Spanish tutor

Teaching Spanish always provokes a certain respect for the tutor. The first class, above all, is the one that will determine how the course will go. As one of the top spoken languages in the world, more and more students want to learn Spanish and more and more of them choose to take private tuition.    Someone who knows something about teaching Spanish is Spanish tutor, Cristian Pedraza. Watch our interview with him to find o...
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