The Decline of Reading Habits Among Children: The Adverse Impact on Language and Brain Development

As a private tutor for English classes, it is evident that the habit of reading among children has been declining in recent times. In an age where technology has taken over our lives, children are more inclined towards watching videos or playing games on gadgets than picking up a book to read. This trend could have an adverse impact on language development and brain development. In this article, we will discuss the reasons behind this trend and what experts have to say about it.

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The decline of reading habitsː

Reading is one of the fundamental skills that children learn in their early years. It helps in developing their cognitive and language skills, improves their concentration and vocabulary, and expands their knowledge about the world. However, with the advent of technology, children are now more attracted to screens than books. According to a study conducted by Scholastic, a global children's publishing company, the number of children who read books for fun has been declining steadily since 2010.

Adverse impacts of the declineː

Experts believe that this trend could have serious consequences on children's language development and brain development. Dr. Pamela High, a pediatrician at the American Academy of Pediatrics, says,

"Reading is a vital skill that helps children learn and grow. It enhances their cognitive and language skills, improves their concentration, and expands their knowledge about the world. Reading books helps children understand different cultures and perspectives, which is essential for their social and emotional development."

Furthermore, reading helps in developing children's creativity and imagination. It allows them to explore new worlds and characters, and helps them to think critically and logically. According to research conducted by the University of Sussex, reading for just six minutes can reduce stress levels by 68%, making it an essential tool for maintaining good mental health.

So, what can be done to encourage children to read more?

Parents and educators need to play an active role in promoting reading habits among children. They can start by setting aside time for reading every day and creating a reading-friendly environment at home and in school. They can also encourage children to read books that interest them and provide them with a variety of books to choose from.

According to experts, parents should read to their children from an early age and encourage them to read on their own as they grow older. They should also set an example by reading books themselves and creating a reading culture at home. Educators can also play a role by introducing children to different genres of books and making reading a part of the curriculum.


Reading therefore, is an essential skill that should be encouraged among children. The decline in reading habits among children could have serious consequences on their language development and brain development. Parents and educators should take an active role in promoting reading habits among children by setting an example, creating a reading-friendly environment, and encouraging children to read books that interest them. As Dr. Seuss (an American children's author and illustrator) said,

"The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go."

If your child needs help to find the joy of reading with private English tuition, please feel free to get in contact today.



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