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Verified Online English Tutor

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Hello, My name is Lucy and Iam 27 years old. Iam a seasoned English tutor with over 3 years experience in the field of English and . I have a TEFL certificate in teaching the subject and an overtime exposure to tutoring.
I have taught both primary school and secondary school students of ages 4-18 and also adults who have shown interest in learning ,those who have looked to further English studies , expand their general knowledge on the subject ,those that seek to understand on how to do a good English presentation and those who simply want to improve their school grades .Most of my students have since reported a tremendous improvement and its a great joy.
I use professional teaching techniques which are 100% student-centered. These include but are not limited to, elicit teaching/learning with TPR ,realia, personal engagements and interactive conversations. I allow my students to ask all English questions and choose on any of the subject topics that they would seemingly want to learn and improve on. I also allow for some agreed overtime sessions with my students who request to have a further look on the subject topics that they would love to explore.
Iam a strong believer of progressive and consistent learning and I believe that everyone deserves a chance to learn, improve and explore English in the most interactive and fun way possible because everything English is fun!
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