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Philosophy Tutor from secondary to postgraduate

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I am offering one-to-one tuition online for any student studying philosophy at any level!

I am PhD educated, internationally published, with 7 years experience at undergraduate level and 1 year at secondary school level. I have a postgraduate certificate in Teaching Reflectively in Higher Education, as well as experience teaching students with special educational needs.

I can give you (or your child/teenager) the leg-up they need to do well in philosophy. This is a subject where students with a wide variety of skills can do well if given the correct guidance.

Philosophy is not just about solving higher mysteries, it is about providing people with the skills to think critically about information they are given. These are skills that are increasingly important in an age where there is an ever-growing volume of information from an increasingly wide range of sources available to all of us.

I also offer secondary school tuition in a range of other subjects (including, but not limited to, English, Maths and Science). Please ask for further details.
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