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Omer Ali
Omer Ali
Town/city/borough Taunton
Photography Lessons
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Secondary school
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friendly and helpful person who enjoys meeting diverse types of people, well organized and able to manage a variety of tasks. Committed to customer satisfaction, whilst maintaining a high quality of service. Enthusiastic about learning skills and building

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My passion is teaching and helping others develop their skills and knowledge by sharing my experience. I excel at time management, prioritizing work, and meeting deadlines accurately. My organizational skills allow me to plan and coordinate tasks for myself and others efficiently. I can juggle multiple responsibilities with ease and precision. Remaining calm under pressure and keeping others calm in stressful situations comes naturally to me. I am a creative thinker, analyzing things in new ways with an open mind, strong problem-solving skills, and clear communication. My robust technical expertise includes Microsoft Office, Adobe Premiere Pro, Photoshop, Audition, and Lightroom.
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