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Town/city/borough Sunderland
verified Verified data time 1 year teaching experience
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Infant and nursery school
Secondary school
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I give private classes of a wide range of areas. Anyone waiting to learn Portuguese. Anyone who needs help with Algebra. Anyone who needs lessons on marketing.

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When tutoring students in Portuguese, I will focus on improving their language skills through a combination of grammar, vocabulary, and conversational practice. I will help them build a strong foundation in the language and work on their proficiency. In marketing, I will provide students with a comprehensive understanding of marketing principles, strategies, and tactics. This will include real-world case studies and practical applications to help them develop a deep knowledge of marketing concepts. For algebra, I will guide students through solving mathematical equations, understanding algebraic principles, and mastering problem-solving techniques. I will provide step-by-step explanations and practice problems to reinforce their understanding and boost their algebraic skills.
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