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Siita Danbambu Puobi
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Siita Danbambu Puobi
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I am an advanced level Biology tutor and will strengthen your knowledge and application skills in Biology

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I have a Masters degree in Molecular Biology and Biology with a first class in Postgraduate Diploma in Education(PGDE).I am also a Biomedical Science PhD candidate and have been teaching Biology for the past 12 years. I will use innovative ways to enhance your skills in Biology and innervate your passion for science and research. I employ a wide range of teaching resources including simulations, virtual laboratory experimentation, interactive visualisation websites and interesting links to science informercials.I encourage students to power their expression and boost their oratory skills using apps like FLIPGRID. I also hold discussion forums online where students can express their opinions of scientific concepts in a flexible and adaptable manner.You will also obtain access to question banks to practice problem solving and master the content in ally,I hold feedback sessions to support learning and enhance understanding of biological concepts.
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