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Bob Russell
Bob Russell
Town/city/borough Milton Keynes
verified Verified data time 1 year teaching experience
Usually teaches classes in
Boorley Green
Fair Oak
Hedge End
West End
Level of the lessons
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Secondary school
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I am an enthusiastic scientist with over 40 years experience, 30 of those years were spent in developing bi business based around biology. I feel I can instil a love of biology in young minds.

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I have 30 years of explaining complex biological concepts to people who may not have the same level of understanding as me. I have worked extensively in the areas of microbiology and molecular biology (for a while we were a major reagent supplier to the human genome project at the Sanger Center) and latterly I have developed an interest in and products for peptide synthesis. I am empathetic and enthusiastic and having three children of my own and now two grandchildren I have a good understanding of how young minds develop.
Bob Russell in a nutshell
I have 40 years of experience of teaching complex scientific concepts to people with little background in science. I have three adult children of my own and have been an active participant in helping them with their educational needs. I am empathetic and patient. I have always kept myself up to date with the latest developments in science. I find passing on this information exciting and I hope th...
I have 40 years of experience of teaching complex scientific concepts to people with little background in science. I have three adult children of my own and have been an active participant in helping them with their educational needs. I am empathetic and patient. I have always kept myself up to date with the latest developments in science. I find passing on this information exciting and I hope this can instill similar enthusiasm in the person I am teaching.
My main interest lies in the life sciences, biology, genetics, evolution and developments in the medical world. I also have abundant life skills and business acumen garnered over thirty years of growing and developing life science businesses in a fast-changing environment where new technology is being developed and implemented almost daily. Having been a supplier to the first human genome project I can provide interesting real-world background to one of the most significant advances in Human understanding in the last century.
I am keen to pass on my knowledge and encourage a younger generation to seek even more knowledge of their own and as a tutor, this would seem to be a fantastic opportunity to do just that.
Education and qualifications
Education and qualifications
Environmental Sciences
Bachelor's Degree
English French
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