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Online and In-Person GCSE and A-Level Mathematics and Further Mathematics

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I am a second-year student studying Mathematics at the University of Warwick. I am confident that I can assist those who may not have a natural aptitude for Mathematics. Progressing from grade 6 to 9 at GCSE, and later achieving three A*s at A-Level in Mathematics, Further Mathematics, and Biology, I understand what it takes to succeed in this subject and I am eager to help others do the same.

Although I have not formally tutored in the past, I would be more than happy to provide a taster session, where we would discuss what you would like to get out of the tutorials and your goals in Mathematics, thereby providing me with a framework of how to structure future sessions to help you to perform to the best of your ability.

Mathematics can be challenging, and many people believe that they simply "can't understand" it. I aim to provide you with knowledge, critical thinking skills, topic strategies, and much more, with the hope that it will help you understand that anything is possible with the right mindset, mathematical knowledge, and determination to succeed.
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