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Abdul Qudus
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Abdul Qudus
Town/city/borough Manchester
verified Verified data time 1 year teaching experience
Usually teaches classes in
Castleton (Borough of Rochdale)
Smithy Bridge
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Secondary school
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Chinese language tutor, who teaches students of all ages

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Chinese language tutor, who teaches students of all ages
Abdul Qudus in a nutshell
I take students in accordance to the students ability. As individuals we all have different rate of assimilation and comprehension, taking these into consideration will enable a fantastic atmosphere for the student, and makes learning a wonderful experience. With the use of audio visuals lessons about relevant topics is more than helpful to get the student going smoothly for the class.
I take students in accordance to the students ability. As individuals we all have different rate of assimilation and comprehension, taking these into consideration will enable a fantastic atmosphere for the student, and makes learning a wonderful experience. With the use of audio visuals lessons about relevant topics is more than helpful to get the student going smoothly for the class.
Arabic Chinese English
Abdul Qudus teaches here
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