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Maths tutor providing lessons for all students up to GCSEs. 11+ lessons also available!

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About me: Hi! I am a Economics student at the end of my undergraduate degree at Royal Holloway University of London. I have 5 years tutoring experience and 2 years teaching experience and thoroughly enjoy it. My hobbies consist of playing and watching football and basketball. I have recently become very interested in playing golf also!

In terms of specifics regarding my tutoring experience, I have tutored multiple subjects in the past at lower levels and GCSEs. These range from Maths, Chemsitry, Physics, Geography and Economics.

I also have had a lot of experience in tutoring 11+ topics (mostly Maths, but I can do Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning as well). As a former 11+ student who managed to achieve my goal of passing the entrance exam to my secondary school, I have been in touch with the 11+ process for the past 10 years.

However, 2 years ago I realised I enjoyed teaching Maths the most out of all the subjects and decided by specialising in just the one subject, I would be a much more valuable asset to my students. This has allowed me to teach student at all skill levels, from Year 2 to GCSEs, allowing me to work on different methods and ways of explaining the content, to any type of student. This has involved getting creative a lot of the time, especially for my younger students, to explain different concepts to my best ability.
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