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I have worked at both Primary and high school level with concentration on math at IGCSE level for the past 14 years

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I have a Diploma in Primary Education along with attachment course I did at Hull University (1989) in Primary Administration. I did a number of online courses and attended workshops as the years went on. I have been in the classroom since 1979 where I started as a student teacher and then in 1998 after serving as principal for 7 years I moved on to a private High school. This is where I stared teaching mathematics as it was my loved subject. As mentioned, I have been teaching math at high school level for over 14 years at IGCSE level in the Turks and Caicos Islands.
I taught from Year 7 to 11. At Year 11 I took on the core group because I enjoy watching children who are not in the A stream given the opportunity to excel and pass math. As a teacher I enjoy seeing that smile on a student face when they understand a concept that was a bit difficult.
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