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Joyce Ann
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English Lessons
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With Wide Range Experience as Tutor providing lessons to all ages

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Hi! My name is Teacher Joyce Ann. If you are looking for a competent and well-experienced tutor, I am encouraging you to enroll with my classes. I earned a bachelor's degree in psychology. I was able to work as a Human Resource Practitioner on different local companies in our hometown. But then I discover that the love I have for my children draws me to become a teacher. I earned 18 units of professional education and passed the licensure examination for teachers. Becoming a teacher lets you take part in shaping the next generation. In my years of teaching, I believe that I have acquired qualities such as patience and effort because teaching for me is not only a profession but a vocation. With my skills and experiences, I know that I can provide adequate classes. There are challenges that we need to overcome but you have nothing to worry about, I will always be here to help and guide you. Together we will conquer all your fears and difficulties. Just believe in yourself and to trust me as your tutor.

It is my VISION as a teacher that all of my students will learn, grow and develop to realize their full potential. It is my MISSION as a teacher to provide information, support and encouragement. My main GOAL as a teacher is to facilitate the learning of every student. It focuses on educating the students to the best of their ability and provides a learning environment where students feel safe and welcome. One of the OBJECTIVES that I would like to consider as basic would be creating a class atmosphere beneficial to physical, mental and emotional as well as psychological, academic and creative growth students, within which they are able to recognize and utilize personal abilities in a constructive manner. See you soon!
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