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Primary Education:
Number and Place Value: Understanding whole numbers, decimals, and their positions.
Addition and Subtraction: Developing fluency in adding and subtracting numbers.
Multiplication and Division: Learning multiplication tables and solving problems involving multiplication and division.
Fractions: Introducing concepts like halves, thirds, and equivalent fractions.
Measurement: Exploring units of measurement (length, weight, capacity, time) and solving measurement problems.
Geometry (Properties of Shape): Identifying and describing 2D and 3D shapes.
Geometry (Position and Direction): Understanding position, coordinates, and basic transformations (not included in Year 3).
Secondary Education:
Patterns and Sequences: Analyzing number patterns and sequences.
Finance, Growth, and Decay: Understanding financial concepts, exponential growth, and decay.
Functions and Graphs: Exploring algebraic functions and graphing.
Algebra, Equations, and Inequalities: Solving algebraic equations and inequalities.
Differential Calculus: Introducing concepts related to derivatives.
Probability: Analyzing probabilities and statistical outcomes.
Euclidean Geometry: Investigating properties of shapes and angles.
Analytical Geometry: Understanding coordinate geometry.
Statistics and Regression: Collecting and analyzing data.
Trigonometry: Exploring trigonometric functions.