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Maths Lessons Verified Tutor Verified Tutor
1 reviews
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Reviews from Orin's students: Reviews from Orin's students:
Orin is a very valued tutor, I have worked with Orin for a few years and have seen him work with children for a long time. His enthusiasm and approachability are incredible. He can make the shyest ch...
Orin is a very valued tutor, I have worked with Orin for a few years and have seen him work with children for a long ti...
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Marvellous Maths Lessons Online Only

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One of the advantages of tuition lies in its ability to provide students with individualised attention, catering to their unique learning requirements— something I am to deliver in my lessons.
My tuition approach is to educate students and allow them to explore topics further, ask questions, and engage in discussions in a suitable time frame tailored to them.
This additional practice can significantly improve academic performance and boost confidence.
I am approachable and friendly and professionally conduct myself during the sessions, but allow time for the pupil and me to build a good rapport.

1 reviews from Orin's current and former students
Hannah Barker
Orin is a very valued tutor, I have worked with Orin for a few years and have seen him work with children for a long time. His enthusiasm and approachability are incredible. He can make the shyest child come out of their shell, lower to a child's level and make them feel comfortable - he takes time and shows care like no other.
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Verified Tutor
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