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I’m going to help you plan your short-mid-long term career path based on where your skills, aspiration and enjoyment are and ensure you have a solid understanding of how to get there and what is needed. I will equip you with the tools you need to help along the way and together we will design a plan that makes you feel challenged and excited.
I’ve worked across a broad number of roles and have also had experience in startups, entrepreneurship, marketing, events, growth, content, go-to-market strategy, and working at all levels from being in the warehouse to being on a senior management team and governing board. I also appreciate how quick the world is changing and the trends occurring across industries in terms of recruitment. I am able to help guide your CV and teach you how to sell yourself by being authentic and original.
If you’re interested in sales, I am able to pass on an extremely professional set of skills about growth planning and strategy, too!