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English as a foreign language Lessons
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Hi. My name is Salman 20 years, I have proudly contributed to the language achievements of hundreds of students! I have facilitated learning for students of all age groups with a variety of purposes including ESL learning, preparations for exams, IELTS in

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Hi. My name is Salman Shalchiantabrizi.For 20 years, I have proudly contributed to the language achievements of hundreds of students! I have facilitated learning for students of all age groups with a variety of purposes including ESL learning, preparations for exams, IELTS in particular, business English, job interviews, discussion sessions and more. With more than 50000 hours of online and face-to-face tuition, I have managed to secure the knowledge and experience required to tailor lesson plans that would meet every student's individual learning needs. I teach grammar in a practical manner and make the lessons as streamlined as possible. Throughout the years, my major career aspiration has always been to accelerate learning and become more time-efficient by being purposeful in every instructional action. As an English Instructor, I mainly invest in creativity, patience and optimism. While it is assumed that it's the teacher's responsibility to do most of the talking in class, I exert every effort to keep my students engaged. This makes them enjoy the classes barely realizing the passing of time. Apart from being my profession, teaching English provides me with exceptional opportunities to interact with individuals from various levels, ages and social and cultural backgrounds. Whether you are under time constraints to meet a deadline or prepare for a test or you intend to study at your own pace to improve your language skills over a certain period of time, I am here to help you meet those personal learning objectives.
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