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English as a foreign language Lessons
verified Verified data time 2 years teaching experience
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Secondary school
University students
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I would describe myself as energetic and upbeat. I like making the most basic things fun for other people because I believe it makes the whole experience way more different and memorable. Even thought I feel like my lessons are aimed at middle schoolers,

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I have started teaching adults along with giving private lectures before I even graduated university or got my teaching degree. After I graduated I worked in many private schools at primary, secondar, and high school levels. I do not believe that ESL can be learnt solely by book, by grammar and with all the needless terminology. First, the learner needs to get accustomed to hearing the language, the flow of it, learn to make mistakes proudly without getting shy, then perfect and polish it with grammar, spelling, punctuation. I believe in a more student-centered teaching than the traditional teacher-centered approach. I should be there to direct my students throughout the activities with a gentle touch on the back, rather than dragging them with me to the final destination.
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