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Ayesha Hisham Thassim
English Lessons
verified Verified data time More than 5 years teaching experience
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Level of the lessons
Infant and nursery school
Secondary school
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I am a passionate educator steadily and devotedly building a teaching career. Self-developing and challenging myself to improve everyday has always been my priority. I grew up wanting to be a teacher that saw beyond a child’s academic talent. I believe ev

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My academic progression coupled with my teaching experience has undeniably sparked in me a constant interest in the developing child and a joy to watch them grow. Teaching children is in every sense a full-time job. Without a genuine passion it can be extremely challenging to keep going during the tough days. There are moments you feel hopeless, but the sense of achievement you receive when you get past it is worth every second. Unlike other jobs, a teaching is a soul quenching job as you not only make progress on a personal level or give back to an organization, you also touch the life of a child.
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