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Verified Tutor Verified Tutor
1st class free
First class free
Town/city/borough London, Belsize Park, Camden (), Camden Town, Chalk Farm, Kentish Town, Primrose Hill, Euston (Greater ), King's Cross, Hampstead, Islington ()
TOEFL Lessons Verified Tutor Verified Tutor
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First class free
Usually teaches classes in
Belsize Park
Camden (London)
Camden Town
Chalk Farm
Kentish Town
Primrose Hill
Euston (Greater London)
King's Cross
Islington (London)
Level of the lessons
Level of the lessons
Secondary school
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I am a native English speaker and also speak near-fluent French and Italian

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I have a passion for languages, which I love to share with others. Learning French and Italian has opened up my world in ways I could never have imagined and I would love to help others achieve the same horizon-expansion through tutoring English, French and Italian.

As part of my degree, I had the opportunity to spend a year living in France and Italy. I was keen to work as an English teacher while in Italy to gain experience from the other side of the classroom table. As well as curing any fear of public speaking, working as a British Council English Language Assistant in a school in Pavia (Italy), taught me how to make lessons interesting and entertaining, and to think on my feet as students reacted to lesson plans and asked unexpected questions.

As a language student myself, I understand the need to make lessons lively and exciting, going beyond formulaic and rote learning of grammar rules, to create a learning experience that brings a language to life.

Depending on your goals, we can focus on speaking practice, exploring British culture and quirks, endless fun with idioms and humour, or improving your written English. I am flexible and friendly, so we can work together to agree what you'd like to learn and just as importantly, how you'd like to learn.
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