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Infant and nursery school
Secondary school
University students
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My lessons are aimed to find students' needs and help them to face day by day difficulties (ei: manage anxiety, study method, etc)

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I am a coach, whose goal is to raise awareness of one's own needs and potential to best face school challenges and beyond. More than teaching a subject, I like to be a life tutor, supporting individual growth.
Loredana in a nutshell
After having worked for more than 15 years in international communication agencies as a team leader, whose main responsibilities were: daily contact with clients for the development and success of their communication projects and the training of younger colleagues, I decided to specialize in this last area. Having a long experience in writing and talking I decided to exploit these competencies a...
After having worked for more than 15 years in international communication agencies as a team leader, whose main responsibilities were: daily contact with clients for the development and success of their communication projects and the training of younger colleagues, I decided to specialize in this last area. Having a long experience in writing and talking I decided to exploit these competencies and my passion for teaching and supporting people, becoming a coach/tutor.
So my lessons are dynamic, and focused on helping people to be quickly indipendent in using the language. I'm also avalable for translation service.
Italian English French
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