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Town/city/borough London, Blackfriars, City of Westminster (), Holborn, Mayfair, Westminster Abbey
Law Lessons
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£4 extra for travel
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City of Westminster (London)
Westminster Abbey
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I am a law student studying English and Welsh common law at Queen Mary University of London. I would like to teach A-level.

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Firstly, this job requirements match with my skills. As a law student with a current 2:1 overall grade, I have studied land law, contract law, revenue law, tort law, public law, International law and other law-related subjects. Therefore, I will be able to render valuable guidance for the students in our team. I worked as a note taker at QMLAC in my first year, and have gained some insight into legal practice. As this project also requires a fair amount of time-management effort, I would like to speak about my role of donor recruitment coordinator and fundraising coordinator in Marrow Community last year. There I planned and organised charitable bake sales raising money for terminally ill patients, and recruited potential blood and stem cell donors. This post in the student union was very time-demanding, but I managed to balance it with my studies well. Although the recruiting process involved a lot of advertising, and was also procedurally rigorous for safety reasons, I managed to abide by the regulations and ensured our activities to go well. Additional to this, I took a non-credit German class and volunteered for the university and a children’s hospice regularly. These are evidence that I would be willing and able to manage my time well to deliver desirable outcomes for the requirements of this post. My experience also shows I have sufficient patience and kindness to teach young people. Secondly, I love playing and working with kids so much. This might sound a bit embarrassing, but I was born with natural affection for youngsters. They are so rejuvenating and are treasures in my eyes. Last year, I worked as a volunteer at Haven House Children's Hospice at Woodford. I had such a good time organising halloween pumpkin hunting events for kids and juveniles, directing gingerbread decorating activities and helping with outdoor activities. Also, perhaps I have an aura of attracting kids and other people's pet puppies? They find me amicable and come to play with me when I'm in the streets :) So perhaps I'm very suitable for this job which involves directing youngsters!
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