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Italian Lessons Verified Tutor Verified Tutor
5 reviews
verified Verified data time 4 years teaching experience
Reviews from Ettore's students: Reviews from Ettore's students:
I have been taking lessons with Ettore for five years, my level of Italian has increased massively while working with him so now I feel completely comfortable speaking with native Italian speakers. E...
I have been taking lessons with Ettore for five years, my level of Italian has increased massively while working with h...
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I offer Italian lessons for foreigners and non-foreigners

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I will help you learn our beautiful language, thanks also to over twenty years of experience accumulated both in Italy and in various parts of the world, with students from five to over seventy years of age.
5 reviews from Ettore's current and former students
Scott and 4 others recommend Ettore
I have been taking lessons with Ettore for five years, my level of Italian has increased massively while working with him so now I feel completely comfortable speaking with native Italian speakers. Ettore is professional, friendly, dependable and helpful. His style of teaching is very flexible providing you with the type of classes you prefer while being attentive and patient. Whether you are a beginner or a more advanced student if you really want to increase your abilities in Italian Ettore is the teacher for you. I highly recommend him.
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David McInnes
Ettore is a terrific teacher, well prepared, thorough, careful, and warm. My aim when I started lessons with Ettore was to become more fluent in my spoken Italian. Through my lessons with Ettore, my spoken Italian has developed significantly in terms of fluency and accuracy. His method is supportive, clear, and responsive, without interrupting the flow of the conversation. I have developed in my confidence and in knowledge of the language. I recommend Ettore as a teacher unreservedly.
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I've had the privilege of being Ettore's student for years. During this time my level of Italian has grown tremendously. Much of this is thanks to my weekly lessons with Ettore. He is a fascinating conversationalist and an expert at giving feedback and corrections without ever interrupting the flow of the conversation. He is a wonderful teacher!
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Verified Tutor
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