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Style Flipped Classroom
It is about turning upside down the way we have conceived academic learning up until now. The actors and the way of learning are reversed.
Bill Gates already predicted it when he stated that technology and education would maintain an increasingly close relationship in the future: theory would be reserved for home, and practice and projects for the classroom.
The teacher analyzes the content of the class and decides to use some ICT to prepare in advance a theory that will be taught, automatically and without the presence of the teacher, at the student's home. The next day, the student arrives at class with the theory "taught" and the time spent at school is optimized with the presence of the teacher.
EY, this is precisely the key to why the Flipped Classroom is one of the effective methods for learning languages in class: the classroom becomes a place of experimentation and practice of knowledge.
Therefore, the teacher stops being a mere transmitter of content and becomes a facilitator and practical guide of knowledge.
The student stops being a passive recipient of knowledge and takes an active role in extracting relevant information, evaluating it and establishing strategies to put it into practice in the classroom.