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GCSE Maths Tutor for Years 9, 10 and 11 | Online Tutor

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Are you someone who STRUGGLES with MATHS? Do you find that algebraic expressions often look like INCOMPREHENSIBLE GIBBERISH? In nearly two years of tutoring both Maths and English to GCSE students, I have come up with many SIMPLE TRICKS and little HACKS which will make the daunting subject of Maths extremely EASY.

Have you ever wondered "Why would I need to know this in real life?" I have been asked that question quite a few times already, and can help you find an answer too. Maths is integral to everyday life, in many ways you can't even see: the very screen you are looking through right now works on Maths!

As for me, combining my Maths hacks with my knowledge led me to scoring a 9 on my Maths GCSE. I also studied both Mathematics and Further Mathematics at A-Level, achieving A* and A, respectively.
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