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GCSE Chemistry tutor available for the summer!

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Hello, my name is Macy! I am student at Cardiff University currently finishing the final year of a 3 year Chemistry Bachelor's degree and I will be starting a Cosmetic Chemistry Masters degree in October! I have a passion for science and mathematics and hope to encourage younger students in these subjects as well! I also love reading, exercising, and enjoy museums.

I have always felt some level of anxiety over exams. For me, the setting of formal exams and the expectations about results, creates some degree of anxiety for most people. So when revising for GCSEs and A-Levels, I had extra support from a maths tutor. My experience with tutoring was amazing and I found it very helpful in managing anxiety. I was more structured and systematic in studying, and it also helped my confidence, which meant I was more calm and better prepared emotionally.

Remote learning is very different to being in a classroom, and often its difficult to stay motivated. Tutoring is helpful in creating structure and I would encourage students to ask for extra help when needed.

I plan on creating a comfortable learning environment and making my lessons engaging, interesting and fun. Together we can determine specific areas where additional help is required. Sessions will be tailored accordingly, using a range of study methods including exam style questions and past examination papers. With learning, one size does not fit all, and each student learns differently, so sessions are tailored to each student’s style and pace.
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