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Programming Lessons
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Coding cookbook; learn the art of computer programing and open up a whole new world!

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Holding two degrees in computer science in AI/Machine learning and Cyber security respectfully. I pride myself as a pragmatic critical thinker who has a deep passion for coding. Getting into computer coding can be at best of times overwhelming! Let me guide you on a journey, a journey that could take you into the vast depths of front-end or back-end web development, the exciting world of cyber security or maybe take part in the AI/ML boom! My classes will instil a thorough understanding of programming concepts and one of the programming languages I teach, I place a strong emphasis on why something is done rather than the usual how something is done. Each lesson will be tailored and crafted towards your goals and needs. Whether it's a one-time revision lesson or working on your programming goals, please feel free to reach out to me.

I teach the following languages; Python, Java, Javascript
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