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Italian Lessons
verified Verified data time 3 years teaching experience
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Infant and nursery school
Secondary school
University students
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I can give lessons (from English to Italian) to people of any age, nationality and level (from A1 to C2)!

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I am really excited to start teaching again and give you everything that Italian has to offer! As a language, it is an expression of a culture that I invite everyone to discover, and we can do it together. If you are just starting out, grammar is important and can be boring at times, but through reading, writing and listening examples, we can make it more appealing! What my students have always told me is that it's true that Italian grammar is heavy, but, by covering the right topics, you almost forget you are learning something so complex! We will discover the Italian language and culture through songs, stories, news and current events suited to the student's level. If requested, you can deepen your knowledge of just one of the linguistic fields (writing, reading, listening, speaking), we will talk about it together and try to understand what is best for you. Are you preparing for a trip? Do you need to speak Italian on a professional level? Just tell me your needs and together we will satisfy them. That's why I'm here, for you!
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