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Maths Lessons
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Calculus, Algebra, Advanced Calculus, Physics

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I have graduated as a Mechanical Engineer from Cardiff University. Most of my subjects that I have undertook during my course was about Physics and Maths. I loved Maths ever since I was a kid, and I have taken this further by achieving one of the highest grades in my Maths subjects during my Bachelor's degree. I can explain the steps in multiple ways that would makes sense to you and clicks in. I have been doing this with my mates back during my bachelor's degree at Cardiff University. I am a very friendly and easy going person who enjoys meeting new people that also have different background or culture. I respect other cultures and enjoy learning so much about them. I myself have lived in many different countries. I have lived in Egypt, Portugal, UK, Holland, and Saudi. So I am vey adaptable and welcoming to others.

During my time at Cardiff University, I have always liked to help others, that is why I have signed up for volunteering at Sherman Theatre, so I can give back to the community, and also learn more about the Welsh culture. I have enjoyed helping other during my volunteering experience as I also look forward helping students achieve their goals.
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