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Algebra, Calculus I, II, III, Statistics, Gap-Filling. You do not have to be the smartest to get it. Let me show

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I'm Hergis. I graduated with a degree in Chemical Engineering from UC Berkeley in 2023. I've got a couple of Associate Degrees in Chemistry, Physics, and Mathematics, and I've been wrestling with numbers and equations for a good chunk of my life. I was a Teaching Assistant at Grossmont College, in San Diego CA, I helped 80+ students get better at Math. No matter how screwed you think you are, I can help you My Teaching Style: I like using the Socratic method, meaning Rather than simply telling you the answer, I like to ask thought-provoking questions until you get to that AHA moment! From my experience, this approach has a much greater efficiency. Do not worry, I know nobody likes to be put on the spot to answer questions, but I have already taken that into consideration. It feels more like a conversation rather than an interrogation. I promise
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