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10 reviews
Town/city/borough Islington London
Italian Lessons Verified Tutor Verified Tutor
10 reviews
verified Verified data time 2 years teaching experience Response time <strong>80%</strong> Response time 80%
Reviews from Francesca's students: Reviews from Francesca's students:
Grazie all'aiuto di Francesca ho superato i miei problemi con il latino, grande e brava!
Grazie all'aiuto di Francesca ho superato i miei problemi con il latino, grande e brava!
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Hi everyone! My name is Francesca Giovine and I am 26 years old. I hereby intend to apply as a teacher of Italian to foreigners. I obtained my Master's degree in Philology, Literature and Classical Tradition in November 2022 at the Alma Mater Studiorum, University of Bologna. Once I finished university, I became interested and passionate about the world of teaching Italian to foreigners, obtaining the Certificate in Teaching Italian to Foreigners 'CEDILS' at Ca' Foscari University in Venice in April. Subsequently, in order to deepen my knowledge and specialise in this field, I decided to enrol on the 2nd level Master's Degree 'Teaching Italian Language and Culture to Foreigners' at the University of Rome Tor Vergata. This master is giving me the opportunity to put into practice what I learnt in my previous studies and to get to know the latest trends and didactic innovations in the field of teaching Italian to foreigners. I am currently doing an internship as an Italian language teaching assistant at La Dante in Cambridge - European Cultural Centre, during which I will definitely refine my skills. As a private teacher, I have about three years of experience: I really enjoy passing on my passion to students, trying to help them overcome any difficulties, listening to them, getting to know them, not only from an academic point of view, but also and above all from an emotional one.
I hope to hear from you again soon!
10 reviews from Francesca's current and former students
Cristina and 9 others recommend Francesca
Grazie all'aiuto di Francesca ho superato i miei problemi con il latino, grande e brava!
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Ho contattato Francesca perché mio figlio aveva molte difficoltà con le traduzioni di latino. Lei si è dimostrata da subito molto disponibile e attenta a tutti i bisogni di mio figlio. Noi con Francesca ci siamo trovati molto bene e la consigliamo caldamente
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Mi ha dato ripetizioni di latino, ragazza in gamba, precisa e molto scrupolosa nel capire se realmente avessi compreso gli argomenti.. se sei in difficoltà, affidati a Francesca, non te ne pentirai. Grazie Francesca, alla prossima :)
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