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Sam Zappala
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Town/city/borough Glassburn
Maths Lessons
verified Verified data time 2 years teaching experience
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Problews don't have to be taken the same way. Find an easier way to get the answer

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I’m Sam Zappala; I’ve been a math teacher/tutor since 98. When teaching, I want the students to work with me. I want to gain their respect. When I work with the students, if there’s an easier way; I’ll inform them. This is how to make it work without as many steps . I teach Algebra, Geometry and Trigonometry. I will also get into Calculus and SI (metrics).
When working with Geometry and/or Trigonometry, the first formulas I want the students to remember are: a^2+b^2=c^2; for rt triangles; and a/sin=b/sin=c/sin; for all other triangles.
I’ve been working with numbers since I was a teenager. When I was putting myself through school; I was working in a warehouse. I would do the math in my head before somebody else could punch it into a calculator.
I wrote-up several pages of formulas that I give to each student. I’ve got the ability; now I need to pass-it-on.
I have an MD in Mechanical Engineering; this is in the Math/Science category. Please see the resume. I also designed several tools. I am now attempting to get one on the market.
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