I taught English as a foreign language to primary school pupils in a Spanish city, as it was expected that they'd become bilingual with proficiency in English. After that I taught English on a summer course before I did some temporary work with a European business marketing company. I taught languages in schools and further education colleges for several years. I taught private lessons which p...
I taught English as a foreign language to primary school pupils in a Spanish city, as it was expected that they'd become bilingual with proficiency in English. After that I taught English on a summer course before I did some temporary work with a European business marketing company. I taught languages in schools and further education colleges for several years. I taught private lessons which proved to be a very challenging and rewarding experience, as learner progress was obvious with continually improving results. Language learning depended on each learner's interest and motivation to succeed in both written and spoken communication in another language. Each learner had a reason to dedicate some time to language study, as the learner interest varied with those reasons, as well as the time which each learner could dedicate to a commitment to lessons and study.
I used standard teaching methods as text books recommend, with lessons that involve some spoken communication as well as plenty reading and writing. More recently I began to take part in translation studies through an internet web site. Occasionally I suggest translations and answers to questions and I may take part in discussions. The subject areas are varied and they can include many fields of topic interest, such as current affairs, legal issues and technology. Overall, tutoring can be a valuable and interesting experience and I should be able to help with translations. This can be done in person at a suitable place and time, or on line via email and telephone.
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