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I have been working with students of all ages as acting coach, tutoring them in many activities and finally putting them the stage!
I have also been working in the Summer School industry in the UK since In was 20.
Summer School business is a mix of Hospitality, Welfare, Group Leaders and Students Management, Tour Guiding, problem solving, tutoring and much more...
You have to deal with hundreds of students daily and many group leaders who may or may not be their teachers back in their home country.
Being Italian and being able to speak multiple languages has helped me a lot in this field as the majority of students traveling to the UK are, to my experience, Italians and Spanish, and it is essential for them to have someone on the field who they can rely on both culturally and linguistically speaking.
In fact, it may surprise you that many Group Leaders do not speak good English, and sometimes I find myself dealing with students (age 11 to 18) who know English better than their Group Leaders!
Anyways it gave me the chance to become a good tutor for both students and leaders of all ages.
Also, working side by side with many directors of studies has given me the chance to learn and understand their techniques of teaching English (ESL) which are easily applicable to any other language.