I use a variety of formats and address all learning styles, because no one only has one learning style. I will utilise the following, but not exclusively:
1. Video: are great for grabbing your students’ attention and sharing knowledge in a dynamic manner
2. E Books: many people prefer to learn by reading because they can assimilate the information better, go back to passages when necessary, and...
I use a variety of formats and address all learning styles, because no one only has one learning style. I will utilise the following, but not exclusively:
1. Video: are great for grabbing your students’ attention and sharing knowledge in a dynamic manner
2. E Books: many people prefer to learn by reading because they can assimilate the information better, go back to passages when necessary, and
highlight what’s most important
3. Presentations: Many people like this model because it’s objective and shows relevant information in a clear and summarized manner
4. Infographics: These are visual materials that work very well in presenting information, dates, and other content that requires a summarized
5. Livestreaming: Is trending on social media, and we can use it for your online course content. Students can convey their knowledge in real-time,
without the students having to download the lessons and live events are great for those who want more interaction with their audience
6. Quizzes: We will use a quiz to interact with and test knowledge
Learning should be fun, a stretch, interesting and satisfying. Therefore, the study and learning will be structure for you as an individual and enhance your future prospects '