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Spanish Lessons Verified Tutor Verified Tutor
verified Verified data time 1 year teaching experience Response rate <strong>100%</strong> Response rate 100%
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Secondary school
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I am ready to help Secondary School students, especially year 11s with their GCSEs, and engaging in Spanish conversations lessons with adults. I am new to FindTutors so your first lesson will be !

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I am a private tutor with experience in one-to-one lessons to primary school children.
I am a native Spanish speaker.; very patient and great at adapting to my students' needs. I moved from Valencia to Bristol during the Covid Pandemic. I currently work as a Student Admin in a university.
I usually speak slowly and clearly.
I am neurodivergent, which equips me with handy lateral thinking, and stellar imagination! meaning I can think of ways to make a 'heavy grammar topic' easier to understand.
I love Spanish and Latin American literature.
My favorite book of all times is: 'Don Quijote'. And the second best is: 'Cien anos de soledad'.
I enjoy exploring and elaborating on the connections between language and culture.
As I majored in Tourism, I can provide a lot of tourism related info about Spain.
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