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Sarowar Bashir
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Sarowar Bashir
Maths Lessons
verified Verified data time 2 years teaching experience
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Secondary school
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I have experience teaching SEND, SEN secondary math and FS mathematics

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I have experience of working with a range of learners as I have taught on Functional Skills (entry to level 2, secondary maths and GCSE Maths (Foundation) for supported learning groups. I am able to write inclusive lesson plans to meet the individual needs of learners by referring to the scheme of work; I can set clear aims and objectives, including lesson plans, relevant content, differentiated teaching, learning and assessment strategies to meet the individual needs of the learners in my groups.
I understand the importance of using a wide range of learner-centred approaches in delivering sessions, for example, Q/A – quizzes, individual, pair, and group work, problem-solving, targeted questions, flip charts and posters. I can confidently use technology by including PowerPoint, IWB, learning apps- Kahoot, Mind Map, Mentimetre, and My Maths in my lessons. To meet the needs of individual learners, I have planned and designed inclusive resources. For example, realia, objects (2D &3D shapes, measurement equipment, colour beads), videos, colour and images, large font, worksheets.

In my teaching setting, I have used assessment for learning (formative) and assessment as learning (self and peer assessment) for assessing learners. I have assessed learners (producing assessment materials, marking past and mock exam papers) according to National Standards.

I am aware that the role of a teacher extends to a pastoral role to support the broad needs of learners’ such as referring learners to other professionals within the boundaries of that role. For example, a teacher can direct the learner to the professionals for Educational Health Care Plan (EHCP). Similarly, as care workers, we raise the issue if our clients need any help in a specific area.

The curriculum has a significant role in teaching, learning, and assessment. As a trainee teacher, I was involved in developing a scheme of work, writing lesson plans, devising resources, and the following instruction from awarding bodies regarding subject content for the Functional skills and Secondary maths programme.

I I have a very good level of organisational skills. I have organised my teaching folder according to contents, stored resources manually in a safe place and electronically with a strong password, and shared resources with authorised person. I also believe that I have good administrative skills such as such as communicating with learners and professionals, working to
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