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Anmol Sharma
Anmol Sharma
Town/city/borough Dunstable
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Secondary school
University students
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Bilingual educator (native Hindi speaker), bridging cultural gaps through language.

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As a native Hindi speaker with 26 years of experience living in India, I bring a unique perspective to teaching Hindi. My lessons leverage my fluency to create an immersive and engaging experience. I'll focus on: * Clear communication: I'll explain concepts clearly in both English and Hindi, ensuring a smooth learning journey even for beginners. * Cultural connection: I'll weave cultural insights into my lessons, helping students understand the language within its social context. * Interactive activities: I'll incorporate fun and engaging activities like discussions, role-playing, and multimedia to make learning enjoyable and effective. My goal is to equip you with not just Hindi vocabulary and grammar, but also the confidence to communicate and connect with Hindi speakers in a meaningful way.
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