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Sanaa Chowdhury
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Sanaa Chowdhury
Writing Lessons
verified Verified data time 1 year teaching experience
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Infant and nursery school
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Master your writing skills today with expert tutoring guidance!

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With personalized lessons tailored to your needs, you'll receive in-depth feedback, practical tips, and expert guidance to help you enhance your writing skills, boost clarity, and write with confidence and precision.
Sanaa Chowdhury in a nutshell
I am an experienced tutor specializing in psychology, English language, and more, with a passion for helping students reach their academic goals, my goal is to make education fun for every child.

My tutoring approach is personalized and adaptable to each student’s learning style and needs. I have extensive experience working with children with learning difficulties, particularly dyslexia and aut...
I am an experienced tutor specializing in psychology, English language, and more, with a passion for helping students reach their academic goals, my goal is to make education fun for every child.

My tutoring approach is personalized and adaptable to each student’s learning style and needs. I have extensive experience working with children with learning difficulties, particularly dyslexia and autism, and am patient with a clear focus on building foundational knowledge, problem-solving skills, and confidence. I offer online sessions tailored for children aged 4 to 11. With a proven track record of improving grades and success in test preparation, I aim to create an engaging and supportive learning environment that both parents and children can feel confident and excited about.

If this sounds like the right fit for your child, please don’t hesitate to reach out!
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