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2 reviews
1st class free
First class free
Town/city/borough Croydon (London), Croydon, Shirley, Thornton Heath, Crystal Palace, Norwood, Purley, Wallington (Greater London)
Maths Lessons
2 reviews
verified Verified data time 2 years teaching experience
Reviews from Jasmine's students: Reviews from Jasmine's students:
Jasmine is a lovely, responsible, puntual and dedicated tutor. Caring and very supportive. She explains and gives room for mistake in order to give hand on the subject and also show an easy way to wo...
Jasmine is a lovely, responsible, puntual and dedicated tutor. Caring and very supportive. She explains and gives room...
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Usually teaches classes in
Croydon (London)
Thornton Heath
Crystal Palace
Wallington (Greater London)
Level of the lessons
Level of the lessons
Infant and nursery school
Secondary school
University students
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Qualified Maths teacher and tutor

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I am a maths teacher and tutor with a first-class degree in Financial Mathematics.
I believe all children can be successful no matter their background or what level they are on.
2 reviews from Jasmine's current and former students
Ana Soares and 1 others recommend Jasmine
Ana Soares
Jasmine is a lovely, responsible, puntual and dedicated tutor. Caring and very supportive. She explains and gives room for mistake in order to give hand on the subject and also show an easy way to work out an answer in mathematics. Will always use her services as long as she is available, wouldn’t change her for anyone. Thanks Jasmine Ana Soares
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Jasmine is one of the best, tutors I’ve had, she takes her time explaining concepts to you and allows you to make mistakes and will explain things in an easy way so you can understand. And also give a lot practice to perfect your skills in answering mathematical questions. I feel like she’s a genuine person that wants to see you get better and progress in whatever it is that you’re doing. Also she continually encourages you and pushes you to do better. During exam periods she would message me with words of encouragement, which I think is what makes her a good tutor. And her teaching skills are also top tier, I’ve understood maths more with her than I do in school.
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