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Town/city/borough Croydon London
Chemistry Lessons
verified Verified data time 1 year teaching experience
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Usually teaches classes in
Great Burgh
Kingswood Warren
Langley Vale
Tattenham Corner
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Secondary school
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Greetings! I am a dedicated tutor with a passion for helping students achieve their academic goals. With over 6 years of academic experience, I have developed a deep understanding of chemistry expertise and a proven track record of fostering positive lear

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One of my key abilities lies in my capacity to establish a supportive and motivating learning environment. I am a firm believer that creating a comfortable atmosphere is crucial for students to feel at ease asking questions, expressing their concerns, and participating in meaningful discussions. In my role as a tutor, I am attentive to my students' needs, actively listening and adjusting my approach accordingly. Through identifying their strengths and pinpointing areas that require improvement, I develop tailored lesson plans that cater to their individual growth and advancement. My teaching methodology involves dynamic and captivating sessions that revolve around leveraging the students' strengths, while also illuminating areas where their comprehension might be lacking. Drawing from a diverse background encompassing both industry practicality and academic knowledge, I am able to provide a comprehensive educational experience that emphasizes both the theoretical foundations and the practical applications of chemistry.
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