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Town/city/borough City of Westminster London
English Lessons
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Secondary school
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I teach English as a second language helping you in your career and life.

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As an ESL teacher, I focus on using a communicative approach in my classroom. My goal is to engage students in authentic and meaningful communication in English. I place the emphasis on using the language, not just learning about it. I design activities that encourage students to express their own thoughts, ideas, and experiences. I understand that my ESL students will require significant scaffolding and support as they develop their English proficiency. I make an effort to break down tasks, provide clear instructions, use visuals and demonstrations, and offer individualized assistance as needed. It's important to me that my spoken English is at a level that is comprehensible for my students. I speak a bit slower, use simpler vocabulary and sentence structures, and frequently check for understanding. To keep my students engaged, I utilize a diversity of instructional methods - whole-class discussions, small group work, pair activities, individual assignments, and so on. This variation helps accommodate different learning styles. I believe it's crucial to make my lessons and materials relevant to my students' lives and interests. Connecting language learning to real-world topics and situations makes it more meaningful and motivating for them. When it comes to error correction, I provide feedback in a constructive way that does not discourage my students from taking risks and practicing the language. I find that gentle correction and modeling of the right forms is generally more effective. Regularly praising my students' efforts and progress is important to me. Building their confidence and willingness to continue using English actively is a key part of my teaching approach. Overall, my goal is to create a supportive, student-centered environment where my ESL students feel comfortable taking chances with the language and developing their communicative competence.
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