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English as a foreign language Lessons
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Talk to me! A Brazilian qualified language coach who studied in the USA and lives in the UK

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Hi everyone! I am Thai - a teacher, psychoanalyst, coach, podcaster and former lawyer. I am a certified professional with +2 years working full time with students from all over the world.

I studied English in the USA and I am currently located in the UK.

In addition to my background in education, I bring a wealth of insights as a psychoanalyst and former lawyer, enriching the guidance I offer with diverse perspectives and a deep understanding of human behaviour and professional dynamics.

I know how to interact with anyone and host an easy, dynamic and interesting lesson.

I am a certified ESL teacher with +2 years of full-time experience. I teach all levels however my preference is to work with students who already have a certain knowledge and can have an intermediate conversation as my method is to encourage communication.

English can be fun, easy and can also lead to many opportunities. This is an investment you should make for yourself! Start today and book a trial lesson with me.
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