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Sthivaly Brito. Tutora de Español como lengua extranjera

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¡Hola amigos! I'm Sthivaly and I've been teaching Spanish as a foreign language online for a little over 3 years!
Do you want to have fun learning Spanish and not get bored in class? Well, you've come to the right profile.
I currently live in Peru, a country full of natural wonders such as beaches, jungles, volcanoes, snow, deserts and much more.
I am 27 years old and I am also a computer professional.
My teaching methods are based on student-teacher interaction.
We will work with visual, audible and written materials.
When our level is more advanced we will enter the world of interactive/informative videos and podcasts.
I hope this little introduction will help you in your choice.
¡Espero verte pronto, Adiós!
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