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Hi my name is Gary, and i am 63 yrs old
Hi my name is Gary, and i am 63 yrs old
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i have had many engineering positions and even served in the military, but the main event in all of these tasks is comunication. everyone, young or old needs to be able to understand what someone is saying so i aim my lessons to all.

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I have not done tutoring before, but i have instructed so many people in work that it's almost the same. I have four grown up children who are very accomplished in what they do so Im doing something right. INTEREST , is the key point here, and that is what one needs to succeed. The truth now is that my heart failed and cannot do what I did before , yet I have so much more to give even if I don't have the qualifications, even if the language is hard we should never give up trying to improve ourselves.
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