Each lesson will be tailored to the student. I will first assess gaps/areas of concern. From that point, I will teach appropriate methods, test techniques and equip the child with confidence. I will begin with arithmetic skills and then move onto more reasoning- this will ensure both fluency and problem solving developed. This will build the child’s confidence. We will set small achievable goals-...
Each lesson will be tailored to the student. I will first assess gaps/areas of concern. From that point, I will teach appropriate methods, test techniques and equip the child with confidence. I will begin with arithmetic skills and then move onto more reasoning- this will ensure both fluency and problem solving developed. This will build the child’s confidence. We will set small achievable goals- to ensure the child feels success. Key principles/skills will also be revised partially in number and the four operations. If there are many focus areas- the key areas I will initially focus on are number, four operations and then move onto fractions, decimals and percentages.
The child will see during lessons interactive, hands on activities/games, they will also see ‘maths talk’ which develops verbal understanding and supports a child’s cognitive understanding of methods. I will use CGP, whiterose, a range of fluency as well as previous SATS papers/sats style questions.
As well as maths, I teach reading. I would be happy to tutor both or either. With reading, I would focus on developing all reading domains- retrievals, inference, summary, predication, vocabulary. To aid this, children must be fluent so reading practice and homework of extra bed time reading (only of stories) would be advised. Through reading, I would read the extract with the child, discuss the purpose and vocabulary. I then would teach how to find the key words in the questions, how to scan for key words and then how to appropriately answer the question.
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