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Rhianon Anderson
Rhianon Anderson
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Would you like support for your child's Primary School education? I have experience in Early Years, KS1 and KS2 teaching.

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I base my tutoring entirely off of a 1:1 teaching style, this way every child gets the learning they need. This is much simpler when tutoring as I can give 1 pupil 100% of my attention, unlike in a classroom where my time has to be shared. I like a relaxed approach to teaching and use the interests of the individual to help guide their learning. I am experienced in all areas of teaching in a primary school and have a fantastic repertoire built up over 3 years of teaching to promote growth and ensure success. I feel it is difficult to get the support required in a classroom of 20+ pupils, so I look forward to spending time helping pupils learn on this platform. I will set 'homework' activities and every session will begin with a recap before moving on.
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