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History Lessons
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Online History Tutor making history enjoyable and absorbable

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My passion for History stemmed from undertaking my History GCSE exam, in which I received an A*. Since then, I have applied this passion through studying a Law LLB degree which I shall graduate from in July with a predicted grade of a First Class Honour. The law degree included large elements of historical context and how to apply history to the current law, especially through the analysis of previous case law and how that has impacted the current legal status. History remains an important part of a lot of subjects and I believe that making the content accessible and enjoyable to students will be extremely beneficial.

My background with teaching is varied. Through my part time nannying job, I provided tutoring of different subjects, including history, to children of different ages. Additionally, I have provided one to one lessons to family and friends. Through breaking down the volume of content, and finding methods for each individual student (by examining what is their best learning style), students managed to achieve excellent grades.

A typical lesson will consist of a starter activity to engage students, or recapping work from the previous session. The bulk of the lesson will be focused on one main activity which may be based around a past paper or focusing purely on content and different ways to remember content. The lesson will finish with a summary of what we have learned along with any questions the students may have. It is important to keep the lessons engaging and an open space for discussion to allow students to get the most from the lessons.

I look forward to helping you in your study of history and finding a way to maximise your potential.
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