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Shalini Gonsalves
Shalini Gonsalves
verified Verified data time 1 year teaching experience
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Graduate in English, I give private lessons tailored to the learner's needs

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I am a passionate Teacher with the efficiency to provide one-on-one tuition. Ability to clearly present and explain educational material to students. Classroom management skills, ensuring a positive learning environment for everyone. Lesson preparation and planning. Patience and empathy for student concerns. Please don't hesitate to contact me, for a personal discussion.
Shalini Gonsalves in a nutshell
Hands on experience in a school setting with primary students. Efficiently dealing with children, their basic skills, with a positive approach. Working on a basic pattern from known to unknown, which is where, A maxim that throws light on the previous and acquired knowledge that the students might have. I follow a teaching method that is teacher-centred instruction and student- centred instruct...
Hands on experience in a school setting with primary students. Efficiently dealing with children, their basic skills, with a positive approach. Working on a basic pattern from known to unknown, which is where, A maxim that throws light on the previous and acquired knowledge that the students might have. I follow a teaching method that is teacher-centred instruction and student- centred instruction. Ultimately, tailoring the learning experience to different types of learners , having students read books at their own reading levels, offering different spelling lists to students, or meeting in small groups to reteach topics. Regular practise work on vocabulary, that emphasis more on reading and getting to know the meanings of difficult or new words, help the student to attain focus during classroom lessons.
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